Who is worried about dark circles, dark circles under the eyes or panda eyes? Who is worried? Don't worry because today, Dr. Som and Dr. Grace will share the main causes of the problem and recommend solutions by injecting fillers under the eyes to provide everyone with knowledge and understanding. What is under eye filler injection? Under eye filler injection is the injection of hyaluronic acid (HA: Hyaluronic Acid) filler under the skin under the eyes that have problems such as dark circles, wrinkles under the eyes, grooves under the eyes, deep eye sockets, bags under the eyes, making the eyes look tired, tired, older and create a lack of confidence. In addition, under eye filler injection can help fill in areas where the bones have collapsed, help support the tendons under the eyes to return to their original place, fix wrinkles under the eyes and dark circles to return to being firm again. The filler has the property of adding moisture to the skin and also helps stimulate collagen production in the injected area. For anyone who is interested, you can consult with Dr. Som and Dr. Grace at Mudan ... See more