[Prohibitions] What should not be eaten or done before and after filler injections?
One of the knowledge that those who are interested in filler injections or have already had filler injections often search for or want answers to is the matter of before and after filler injections. What are the prohibitions or practices? What can be done? What is forbidden to eat? In this article, Dr. Fork and Dr. Grace have compiled a complete summary in one chapter. Behavior before filler injection (1 week before the procedure) Behavior after filler injection Frequently asked questions After filler injection Can I eat seafood? After filler injections, whether it is lip filler or any other location, you can eat seafood as usual. Just make sure that the seafood is cooked. Because semi-cooked food may contain germs that can stimulate inflammation in the body. Causing the wound from the filler injection, especially the mouth, to heal slowly. After filler injections, can I wear makeup and lipstick? After filler injections, especially lip filler injections, you should not wear makeup or lipstick, both lip balm and lip color, because it may increase the risk of wound infection. At least 24 hours after filler injection, but you can wash your face with mild soap. While washing, do not scrub or massage the area where the filler was injected. After filler injections, can I exercise? Those who have had filler injections can exercise. After filler injection, at least 2 days or if really necessary, you can do light exercise or not move much… See more