Forehead filler injections are a way to fill and adjust the forehead to look smoother and fuller. Most people are still concerned about safety and possible side effects. Are forehead filler injections dangerous? In this article, we will explore all the information you should know about forehead filler injections, including safety, where to get the injection, and advice to help you make a confident decision. What is a filler? Filler is a type of filler that is injected into the skin. The main component of the commonly used filler is hyaluronic acid, a substance that already exists in our skin. It has the property of retaining water, making the skin moist and hydrated. It helps fill in missing parts or adjust the face to look smoother and fuller, especially in areas with wrinkles, deep grooves, or sunken areas, such as the forehead, cheek grooves, or temples. What is a forehead filler injection? Forehead filler is the injection of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the body, into the forehead area to adjust and correct various imperfections of the forehead area, such as dimples, deep grooves, and uneven forehead prominences. Or a narrow forehead, etc. This type of filler injection will help make the forehead look more prominent, in line with the face, and will make you look younger. In addition, forehead filler injections are also very popular for enhancing feng shui. See more