MADE Collagen This is another form of skin care that is currently popular. Injecting Made Collagen can help restore the face, making the skin look younger, brighter, and its main feature is that it removes toxins from the skin. For anyone who doesn't know about this form of skin care, in this article we will take you to get to know Made Collagen along with information you should know before deciding to do it in order to get the best results.
What is Made Collagen?

MADE Collagen is the name of an Italian brand of injection medicine. It contains important skin food ingredients such as a multivitamin that helps restore skin cells and slows down the deterioration of collagen in the skin, as well as various minerals that are important for nourishing the face. The highlight of MADE Collagen is that it helps remove residual toxins, reduces skin inflammation, rashes, acne, and helps make the face whiter and clearer. It is injected using a technique of doing 16 points all over the face.
What are the ingredients of Made Collagen?
MADE Collagen consists of 2 main ingredients: “MADE” and “Collagen”. Both of these are in the “Homeopathy” or Physiologic Regulating Medicine group, which is considered an alternative medicine that is widely used and popular in Europe. It emphasizes the balance of functions from the cellular level and the coordination between various systems.
MADE's ingredients consist of various natural extracts, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes, which enhance each other's work. The mechanism of action starts with the detoxification process that obstructs cell function, resulting in better circulation. It then stimulates the cell's energy production process, allowing the cells to function efficiently. It then stimulates the collagen production process and Glycosaminoglycan, or the structural substance used to hold water in the skin. The type we know well is Hyaluronic Acid, which stimulates more blood to nourish the skin and reduces the loss of skin elasticity by inhibiting the Enzyme Hyaluronidase and resisting free radicals, which will help us to delay the onset of aging and make the skin stronger.
The collagen used with Made is different from other collagens. General collagen uses collagen extracts to fill the skin. However, the collagen used with Made is a type called Homeopathic Collagen. In addition to being collagen in itself, it can also stimulate the creation of new collagen within our skin.
What does injecting Made Collagen help with?

The main purpose of injecting Made Collagen is to restore the skin and make it healthier. In addition, it also helps in other ways as follows:
- Helps remove toxins from the skin
- Helps blood circulation
- Provides the skin with nutrients from the blood and the power to restore itself.
- Provides adequate nutrients to body cells
- Balances the skin to have good and strong immunity.
- Helps brighten skin.
- Helps tighten pores, leaving your skin smooth, soft, youthful and not dry.
- Improved lymph circulation in the facial area
- Radiant, healthy-looking skin
Inject Made Collagen Price
How to check if Made Collagen is genuine
- box The expiration date is printed on the boxes as dots and the boxes are different colors.
- Rubber stopper The genuine rubber point will only stop at the top of the bottle neck.
- Aluminum cover The authentic one must be TEAR OFF CAPS type, with a patch or scratch on the aluminum cover.
- character The genuine 2 ML letters will be normal thin letters.
- GOUTH stickers The authentic one has a sticker on the side of the bottle and is in the color SPHERE BTIGHT which has a shiny, rainbow-like reflection.
Where is a good place to get Made Collagen injections?
When choosing to get a Made injection, where should you choose? There are not many factors to consider and they are easy to understand as follows:
- is that the clinic must be standard Certified by the Ministry of Public Health
- Doctors must have experience and expertise. Madecollagen can be injected correctly and safely.
- The made used must beOnly genuine Made
- Observe the reviews Injecting Made Collagen from those who have actually used the service
How many times do I need to inject Made Collagen before I can see results?
In fact, the results can be seen from the first time. Patients will feel that their skin is softer and smoother. However, if you want to see clearer results, you should inject continuously once a week, for at least 5 consecutive injections.
How many days does it take to see results after the injection?
After injecting Made Collagen, you will start to see results that your skin looks healthier within 3 days after injecting Made. For people with general skin problems, it is not too severe. For people with severe skin problems, it may take 2-4 weeks to see the results of the change more clearly.
Is it good to inject it? Is it dangerous?
Made injection is another form of skin care that is currently popular. Injecting Made collagen can help restore the face, making the skin look younger, brighter, and the main feature is that it removes toxins from the skin. Therefore, Made injection is not dangerous, but there may be side effects as follows:
- Allergic symptoms Some people may experience an allergic reaction, such as swelling, redness, itching, or skin discomfort after the injection. If the symptoms are severe, consult a doctor immediately.
- Bruise Bruising may occur at the injection site, which will gradually disappear over a few days.
- Must be repeated Results may not last long, and repeated treatments can be a burden and costly.
Therefore, before getting a Made injection, you should consult a doctor to get appropriate advice about your skin condition and safety for the person receiving the Made injection.
How long does the result last after injecting Made Collagen?
After injecting Made Collagen, the doctor recommends returning for an injection once a week for the first month. The results will last for 1-2 months. After that, inject every 2 weeks to maintain the condition. If the patient wants to maintain the skin condition continuously, they can inject repeatedly.