Temple Filler Injections

1. What is temple filler?

        It is the filling of a group of fillers, Hyaluronic Acid (HA) into the temples, another important point in adjusting the shape of the face to be more in shape. Injecting filler into the temples will adjust the prominent cheekbones to appear sunken, making the face sweeter, solving the problem of sunken temples, and adjusting the face to be slim and beautiful.

        It is also popular for those who want to enhance their feng shui in terms of trading and business because there is a belief in feng shui that it will make them gain more wealth and have people to support them. For women, if their temples are full and beautiful, in terms of feng shui, it indicates that they will get a rich husband and will not have to work hard.

2. What causes sunken temples and deep temples?

        Having sunken temples will affect the overall face. The cheekbones will be more prominent, the face will be disproportionate, and it will make you look tired, exhausted, and older than your age, which will make you lack confidence. The causes of sunken temples are:

        (2.1). The structure of each person's skull. Normally, the bones in the temples, forehead, and cheeks, and the muscles are thinner than in other parts. The temples that are deeply sunken are caused by the muscles inside being atrophied or smaller than normal, not in balance with the outer skin, making the temples appear sunken and deep.

        (2.2). As we age, our bones, tissues and fat layers change, shrink and atrophy, causing a dent in the temples. 

        (2.3). Orthodontic treatment will cause the muscles used for chewing food to work less. The Temporalis Muscle, a fan-shaped muscle located on the side of the temple, will atrophy, causing the temples to appear sunken.

3. Who is temple filler suitable for?

      (3.1). Suitable for people with sunken temples or temples with deep, sunken grooves.
      (3.2). Suitable for people with sunken bones, such as under the eyes and cheeks.
      (3.3). Suitable for patients who want to reduce their cheekbones by filling in deep temples.
      (3.4). People who want to adjust their face shape to enhance their feng shui.

4. Temple filler injections vs. fat grafting?

Temple FillerFat Transfer
1. Temple filler is injected using a safe HA filler.
2. You can use the injection technique close to the bone to help fill the temples well, making the skin smooth and even.
3. It is natural and does not form lumps.
4. After injecting filler into the temples, the results are immediate. The temples are fuller and the face is more in shape.
5. The injection does not take long, there are no wounds, and there is no recovery time.
6. There may be swelling after filler injection, which will disappear on its own.
7 – 14 days  
7. The filler dissolves completely, leaving no residue.
8. Once the filler dissolves, it can be injected repeatedly.
1. It is the process of sucking out fat from another area and injecting it into the temples.
2. Reduce the risk of allergic reactions because it uses your own fat.
3. The fat to be used must be checked, there must be a process of liposuction and separation into liquid.
4. The patient will have a wound in the area where the fat was extracted for injection.
5. The results last long but are often not as good as the first time and require repeated treatments.
6. May cause uneven skin texture.
7. In areas where the bone has collapsed, fat cannot be used to fill it.
8. If too much fat is added, the skin layer will be stretched too much, will lose firmness, will have an unnatural feel, and will sag.

5. Are temple fillers dangerous?

1. Sentinel vein
2.Superficial temporal artery
3.Middle Temporal vein

         The temples are considered a very dangerous spot because they are areas with blood vessels that connect to the eyes. And the injection requires a large amount of filler in each spot. But if injected with the correct technique, an experienced doctor, and genuine, standard filler, it is safe 100%.

         Injecting filler into the temples requires special techniques to prevent blood clots. If an emergency occurs and blood clots occur, they can be dissolved and fixed immediately without causing blindness or tissue death. Therefore, the most important thing is to get the injection from a specialist because if anything happens, the doctor can provide assistance and fix it immediately.

6. What are the results after temple filler injections?

(6.1). A youthful face, looking naturally younger.
(6.2). The face is firmer, tighter and looks more dimensional.
(6.3) You may experience slight headache and stiffness, which will go away on its own within 1-2 days.
(6.4). Results last for 12-18 months (depending on the individual).
(6.5). Fillers can naturally dissolve without harm. 

7. What should you do before and after temple filler injections?

Guidelines for conduct before filler injections and thread lifts (1 week before the procedure) =>

1. Aspirin, NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ponstan should be stopped for 1 week before the procedure and a doctor should be consulted before stopping the medication.

2. You should stop taking St. John Wort, Ginko biloba, Primrose oil, Garlic, Ginseng, and Vitamin E for 1 week before the procedure.

3. You should avoid using exfoliating creams such as Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinols, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, or any type of “Anti-Aging” cream for 3 days before the procedure.

4. Avoid waxing, peeling, pulling or shaving the hair in that area for 3 days before the procedure.

5. If you have a facial massage or laser course, you should do it at least 3 days before the filler injection or thread lift because you need to wait another 2 weeks after the procedure.

6. If you have any chronic diseases or other regular medications, you should prepare the information to inform the doctor before the procedure.

Guidelines for conduct after filler injection =>

1. Avoid laser, facial sauna, facial massage, or heat application on the face for at least 1 month.

2. Avoid taking medications or vitamins that increase bleeding, such as aspirin, vitamin E, and ginkgo biloba, during the first week.

3. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, liquor, beer, and smoking for at least 2 weeks.

4. Avoid heat on your face, such as blow drying your hair and washing your face with warm water.

5. Drink plenty of water, at least 2-3 liters per day, as the filler will swell up, making it last longer.

6. Do not press, massage, rub, or mold the area where the filler was injected to reduce the movement of the drug to unwanted areas.

7. You can wear makeup as usual after the filler injection.