Forehead filler injections VS forehead augmentation surgery: pros and cons, which is better?

Silicone forehead augmentation VS filler injections: pros and cons, which one is better?

The forehead is considered an important element on the face. Moreover, the forehead can also tell about the physiognomy of each person. Therefore, it is not surprising that when there is a problem with the forehead, most people become worried. But nowadays, these problems will end when medical techniques have advanced. Therefore, there are many methods to solve forehead problems, such as: Forehead augmentation with silicone and forehead augmentation with filler injections, both methods have different steps and have different advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, this article will provide details about these two methods to provide knowledge and benefit to those who are making a decision.

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What is forehead augmentation with silicone?

Forehead augmentation with silicone It is a type of surgical procedure that helps to correct forehead problems, whether it is a flat forehead, a high forehead, a wide forehead, or a sunken forehead. It involves surgery and then inserting a silicone sheet into the forehead area that needs to be augmented. The silicone sheet that is inserted instead will help the forehead look dimensional, the face looks beautiful and proportionate, and helps the forehead to be shaped according to Chinese physiognomy. It also helps to enhance the personality to look good. Forehead augmentation with silicone is divided into 2 types as follows:

  • Forehead augmentation with prefabricated silicone It is the use of prefabricated silicone sheets that meet medical standards, designed to have a curve and a convex forehead. Specialist doctors will analyze and select the silicone that is right for each individual.
  • Personalized silicone forehead augmentation The silicone used will be designed and produced specifically for that individual, allowing the resulting silicone to fit smoothly into the forehead. There are two types of personalized silicone: CT Scan type and Customized molded forehead augmentation silicone.

But whether you choose to use pre-made silicone or personalized silicone, you should consult and seek advice from a specialist doctor first for safety and excellent results.

What is forehead filler injection?

Filler injection It is a type of beauty enhancement that is very popular today. By injecting filler, it is an injection of a filler called hyaluronic acid (Hyaluronic Acid: HA) into the skin at the points that need to be corrected. The filler helps in adjusting the face to look beautiful and proportionate. It also helps treat and correct forehead problems such as:Sunken forehead, dimpled forehead and flat forehead. It also helps to solve the problem of wrinkles on the forehead and helps to enhance the face's feng shui.

Forehead augmentation procedure with silicone

Forehead augmentation with silicone It is a major surgical procedure because the forehead is considered an important part of the face. Therefore, studying or knowing the steps of forehead augmentation with silicone beforehand will increase confidence and ensure safety for the patient.

The steps for forehead augmentation with silicone are as follows:

  • The specialist will assess the location of the silicone placement and draw along the silicone sheet to determine the position before surgery.
  • The doctor will clean the face and scalp with a disinfectant.
  • The doctor will start by injecting the patient with local anesthesia (some clinics may use both local anesthesia and general anesthesia).
  • After administering local anesthesia, the doctor will start by making 1-2 incisions in the skin from the hairline to the browbone, with a length of 2-4 cm.
  • Then the medical specialist will start to place the silicone sheet to fit the forehead as specified.
  • After the silicone is placed, the doctor will begin to close the wound.
  • After completing forehead augmentation surgery with silicone, you will need 1 week to recover.

Filler injection procedure

Forehead Filler Injections It is a very popular method of solving and treating forehead problems. The forehead is considered an important part of the face. Therefore, studying or knowing the steps of forehead filler injections beforehand will increase confidence and ensure safety for the patient.

The steps for forehead augmentation with filler are as follows:

  • Patients must first visit a doctor to seek advice and consultation from a doctor who is an expert in forehead filler injections.
  • The doctor will analyze and assess the symptoms to determine the amount of filler to be injected.
  • After the correct amount of filler has been applied, the doctor will clean the skin on the face thoroughly.
  • Then, the patient is given anesthetic and injected with local anesthesia to reduce pain during the filler injection.
  • Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the doctor will place ice on the skin where the injection will be performed. Once the skin becomes numb, the doctor will begin injecting the filler.

Results of forehead augmentation with silicone

Forehead augmentation with silicone It is a surgical procedure to correct forehead problems. A specialist doctor will insert a pre-made or customized silicone sheet into the area or point that needs to be corrected and treated. The results obtained from this method are: It is more durable and has a longer lifespan than other methods. It also makes the forehead look naturally beautiful, proportionate, with smooth, beautiful, and non-wavey skin.

Results of forehead filler injections

Forehead Filler Injections It is an injection of a filler called hyaluronic acid (HA) into the forehead or problem area. The results obtained from this method are: The results can be seen immediately after the injection is complete. It also helps the skin on the forehead become smooth, the skin looks radiant, looks fresh, and does not have wrinkles. It also makes the forehead that has problems, whether it is a sunken forehead or a flat forehead, look plump and beautiful, and makes the forehead look prominent and in shape with the face.

Risks and side effects of both treatments

Forehead augmentation with silicone andForehead augmentation with fillers Both methods have different treatment steps, resulting in different side effects and risks as follows:

  • Forehead augmentation with silicone It is a forehead surgery to replace the silicone sheet. It takes time to recover and requires extra care in maintenance. To prevent infection after surgery, in additionStill high risk compared to other methods And finally, as we age, our body produces less collagen, causing the skin to sag, resulting in wrinkles on the forehead and making the forehead look flatter. This results in a greater chance of seeing the edges of the silicone more clearly.
  • Forehead augmentation with filler It is a treatment for forehead problems by injecting fillers into the forehead area. The fillers used are substances that are naturally present in the body, making forehead filler injections not permanent. In some cases, there may be redness and bruising in the injection area. If not properly cared for, complications may occur.

Pros and cons of silicone forehead augmentation

Advantages of silicone implants

  • Forehead augmentation with silicone is more durable than other methods. 
  • Forehead augmentation with silicone can adjust the shape to look natural and can be adjusted to curve to fit the face.
  • Forehead augmentation with silicone is safe and does not affect the nervous system. 
  • Forehead augmentation with silicone has a low chance of causing an allergic reaction.
  • The silicone has a soft texture, making the silicone blend with the skin on the forehead and the skin looks smooth, not hard and not wavy.

Disadvantages of silicone implants

  • Forehead augmentation with silicone requires recovery time.
  • Forehead augmentation with silicone may leave scars on the scalp. 
  • As we age, the skin on our forehead becomes wrinkled, making the edge of the silicone more visible.
  • If silicone is selected that is too prominent or convex, it may look unnatural.
  • Forehead augmentation with silicone is more expensive than other methods.

Pros and cons of forehead filler injections

Benefits of forehead filler injections

  • Filler is a hyaluronic acid type filler, which is a substance that is naturally present in the body, making it safe.
  • The filler is self-dissolving, so it does not leave any residue in the body.
  • Forehead filler injections can always be repeated, or if you are not satisfied, you can dissolve the filler.
  • Forehead filler injections can show immediate results, with no recovery time and no surgery required.
  • Forehead filler injections are a relatively short procedure. 
  • Forehead filler injections help correct wrinkles and make the face look younger.
  • Forehead filler injections make the face look naturally beautiful.
  • Forehead filler injections can solve specific problems and are appropriate for the problem.
  • Fillers can increase or decrease the forehead's bulge as desired.
  • Forehead filler injections are not as expensive as silicone forehead augmentation.

Disadvantages of forehead filler injections

  • Forehead filler injections provide temporary results
  • Forehead filler injections must be performed by a specialist, as the forehead area is a spot with a large number of blood vessels.

Compare costs

Forehead augmentation with silicone or forehead filler injections, both methods have different costs. For forehead augmentation with silicone may require the cost of the silicone used, medicine, specialist doctor, which may include the cost of hospital stay. Forehead augmentation with forehead filler injections may require the cost of the filler used, specialist doctor. If comparing the costs of the two methods It can be concluded that forehead augmentation with silicone is more expensive than forehead filler injections.

Summary: Forehead filler injections VS forehead augmentation surgery Which one is better?

Most people often wonder: “Forehead augmentation with silicone or forehead augmentation with filler injections, which method is better?” If you have to choose one method Forehead augmentation with filler injections may be better. Since forehead augmentation with filler is an injection that is naturally present in the body, it is very safe. There is no need to worry about chemical residues in the body because the filler can dissolve. And if you are not satisfied, you can inject the filler to dissolve it. In addition, filler injections are not expensive. Importantly, when you get older, forehead augmentation with silicone may result in the possibility of seeing the edges of the silicone more clearly. From the content above that has already been mentioned.