Get to know Dermolift & Nefertiti lift, botox lifting techniques for the face. How are the two different?

การดูแลตัวเองให้ดูดีอยู่เสมอจึงเป็นสิ่งที่หลายคนให้ความสนใจ โดยเฉพาะเรื่องริ้วรอยและความหย่อนคล้อยบริเวณใบหน้า โบท็อกลิฟกรอบหน้าจึงเป็นอีกหนึ่งตัวเลือกที่คนไทยหลายคนนิยมกัน ซึ่งการฉีดโบท็อกก็มีหลากหลายเทคนิค บทความนี้จึงอยากพาทุกท่านมาทำความรู้จักกับ “Dermolift” และ “Nefertiti lift” สองเทคนิคฉีดโบท็อกที่ช่วยยกกระชับกรอบหน้า เผยให้เห็นถึงความแตกต่างและจุดเด่นของแต่ละเทคนิค  พร้อมทั้งไขข้อสงสัยว่าเทคนิคไหนเหมาะกับคุณมากที่สุด

What is a botox facial lift?

Botox Face Lift is the use of botulinum toxin injected into the face frame, neck muscles and jaw to lift and adjust the shape of the face to be clear, especially the face frame. This technique focuses on injecting botox into the muscles that make the face frame unclear, such as the jaw and neck. The injection of botox helps reduce muscle contractions, making the skin around the face frame firmer, tighter and helping the face look younger.

What are Dermolift & Nefertiti lift?

Dermolift & Nefertiti lift It is a cosmetic technique in which the doctor will inject botox to help lift and tighten the skin on the face and chin area to make it firmer and slimmer. The details are as follows:

  • Dermolift It is a botox injection in the facial frame area to help lift and tighten the lower part of the face, such as the cheeks, chin, and upper neck. The doctor will use the injection technique to create a line around the outer part of the facial frame, causing the muscles to relax, resulting in the facial skin being tighter and firmer.
  • Nefertiti lift It is a Botox injection to lift the chin and lower part of the face. The doctor will inject it directly at the corner of the mouth down along the jaw line to relax the muscles in that area. This results in a slimmer chin, reduces wrinkles in the chin area, and helps brighten the face, making the face look younger.

Who is the Dermolift technique suitable for?

Dermolift It is a botox injection to help lift and tighten the face to make it look tighter and make the face frame look slimmer. Dermolift is therefore suitable for people with the following characteristics:

  • Suitable for those who have skin problems that cause sagging due to age, wrinkles and shallow wrinkles on the upper face, such as the forehead, eyebrows and temples.
  • Those who do not want to undergo severe cosmetic surgery such as a facelift due to its high risks and long recovery time.
  • For those who want a natural result that doesn't look too stiff or tight.

Who is the Nefertiti lift technique suitable for?

Nefertiti lift It is a botox injection to help lift and tighten the double chin to make it look slimmer, reduce sagging under the chin, make the skin on the chin look firmer, and reduce wrinkles on the neck, including helping to make the face frame look clearer, so it is suitable for people with the following characteristics:

  • Suitable for those who have problems with sagging lower face, wrinkles around the mouth, chin and neck.
  • Those who want to lift and tighten the lower part of their face to look slimmer and radiant.
  • For those who want a natural result that doesn't look too stiff or tight.

Compare Dermolift VS Nefertiti lift techniques, what are the differences?

differenceDermoliftNefertiti lift
Mechanism of actionDermolift is an injection to relax muscles. Botulinum toxin type A blocks nerve signals, focusing on Relax the muscles around the jawline. From the temples down to under the chinNefertiti lift Dermolift is an injection to relax muscles. Botulinum toxin type A will block nerve signals, focusing on Relaxation of platysma muscles (large muscles in the neck area) and jaw
Injection pointDermolift is injected directly along the facial frame, from the temples down to under the chin.Nefertiti lift is injected directly into the Platysma muscle, a large muscle in the neck and jaw area.
The results obtainedThe skin on the face will be firmer and tighter, and wrinkles on the forehead, eyebrows, and temples will be shallower.The chin will be slimmer, wrinkles on the chin will fade, and the face will be brighter and look younger.
Duration of results1 – 2 weeks2 – 4 weeks
Residence time1 – 2 months3 – 4 months
Who is it suitable for?Suitable for people who have problems with sagging, wrinkles and shallow wrinkles on the upper face.Suitable for people who have problems with sagging in the lower face and wrinkles around the chin and neck, as well as people who want to lift and tighten the lower face to make it look slimmer.


Dermolift and Nefertiti lift are both botox injection techniques to help lift the face. And help adjust the shape of the faceV-Shape Slimness However, both have their differences. Dermolift is injected directly along the facial frame, from the temples down to under the chin. It is an injection to relax the muscles, causing the muscles in the injected area to relax and also stimulate the creation of new collagen and elastin, resulting in a firmer and tighter face. Nefertiti lift is injected directly into the Platysma muscle, which is a large muscle in the neck and jaw. It is an injection to relax the muscles, causing this muscle to relax, resulting in a firmer face and lifting the drooping corners of the mouth. It also helps reduce wrinkles in the neck, making the chin narrower, reducing wrinkles in the chin area, and making the face brighter.

The selection of the most suitable botox injection technique depends on the skin problems and needs of each individual. You should consult a specialist to assess your skin condition and recommend the appropriate technique to achieve the results that everyone wants.