Reduce cheekbones, correct large cheekbones with temple filler, adjust feng shui to receive wealth in 2025

Cheekbone reduction by injecting filler into the temples is another way to adjust the shape of the face without surgery. It is suitable for those who have large cheekbones, prominent cheekbones, or cheekbones that spread out to the sides, making the face look fierce and older. In addition, in the science ofFacial PhysiognomyHaving big cheekbones usually means that a person is hot-tempered, cannot control their emotions, and often has problems with people around them, etc. In addition, having big cheekbones may cause that person to lack self-confidence.

Injecting filler into the temples will help fill in the flesh around the temples, making the face look fuller, the cheekbones appear smaller, and the face look slimmer. In this article, we will explain the causes, advantages, and disadvantages of injecting filler into the temples for patients or those who are interested in correcting the problem of large cheekbones.

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What effect does having large cheekbones have on physiognomy?

Cheekbones are an important structure of the face. They are located on both cheeks. They have a protruding bone. They are another thing that can be used to indicate gender. For example, men have high cheekbones that are clearly visible. This makes the face look hard and angular. Some women also tend to have this type of facial structure. This makes the face look hard, angular, wide, flat, and lacks dimension. It also makes the face look older than its age.

As mentioned above, cheekbones can be used to indicate gender. According to physiognomy, cheekbones can also indicate power, fortune, charisma, and stability in life. The characteristics of good cheekbones are as follows:

  • High cheekbones indicate power, charisma and leadership.
  • Full cheekbones indicate good fortune and a chance of success in life.
  • Smooth cheekbones indicate wealth and an abundance of money.
  • Proportionate cheekbones indicate good relationships with people around you.

How do you look at the temples to attract wealth?

As you know, the cheekbones and temples are connected. The temples are located at the corner of the eyes or at the end of the eyes, extending to the hairline. The temples that are correct according to physiognomy in terms of wealth or finances must be plump, full, and without blemishes, and proportionate. This will enhance the physiognomy of that person to have a lot of wealth, including having elders as patrons.

Causes of large cheekbones

Large cheekbones can be caused by several reasons, as follows:

  • Genetics Having high cheekbones since birth, which is passed down genetically from grandparents or parents, is caused by the central bone in the cheek area being more sunken than normal.
  • As we age, the fat around our temples, under our eyes, and in the cheeks begins to atrophy, and the bones start to sink, causing the area to become sunken, making the cheekbones appear more prominent.
  • Bone structure When the cheekbones are too prominent and wide, it makes the face look large, disproportionate, and square.
  • Muscles When the zygomaticus muscle is large and the muscle is working hard, such as chewing hard objects or grinding your teeth while sleeping, it can make your cheekbones look bigger.
  • Surgery: Some types of surgery, such as nose jobs or chin augmentation, can make your cheekbones more prominent.
  • Heavy weight loss can cause the fat in the facial area to shrink, and when weight loss is too rapid, it can cause the eyes to look sunken. Sunken temples and sunken cheeks, including making the cheekbones more prominent
  • When the teeth are placed in a new position, the tissue shrinks according to the position of the teeth, causing the cheekbones to be prominent and the face to look sunken.

What is temple filler injection?

Temple filler injections are the use of a filler called “Hyaluronic Acid (HA)” which is injected into the skin in the temple area. Hyaluronic Acid has the property of helping to retain moisture and replace collagen or hyaluronic acid that the body has lost. This results in sunken temples, deep temples, and hollow temples becoming plumper and more hydrated. In addition, temple filler injections also help to adjust the shape of the face to be more proportionate and beautiful, help reduce wrinkles, and help adjust the face’s feng shui.

Pros and cons of temple filler injections

Benefits of Temple Filler Injections

  • Filler is a filler of the type Hyaluronic Acid or HA which will help fill or enhance the skin layer and under the skin that will help reduce and correct. For temple filler injections, it will be an injection of Hyaluronic Acid filler that is highly safe and does not leave chemical residues. 
  • In addition to filling, fillers also help stimulate collagen production under the skin, resulting in firmer skin and making the skin around the temples firmer.
  • Temple filler injections help fill in sunken or sunken temples, resulting in a fuller, more dimensional, balanced face and beautiful proportions.
  • Filling the temples with filler will make the face look more harmonious. The cheekbones are smaller in size. The eyes are enlarged, resulting in a softer and more youthful appearance to the face.
  • Temple filler injections are a solution to problems and fill in problem areas without surgery, leaving no scars, and no recovery time.
  • Filler injections in the temples will help enhance physiognomy because according to physiognomy, having temples that are firm and full will help enhance finances and relationships.
  • The results of temple filler injections can be seen immediately after the injection is completed.
  • The filler injection treatment takes only 60 minutes.
  • Temple fillers are biodegradable and can be refilled multiple times.

Disadvantages of temple filler injections

  • There may be side effects after the injection, such as swelling, redness, bruising, or pain at the injection site, but these will disappear within 14 days.
  • Temple filler injections are not permanent and require repeat injections.
  • After filler injection, there may be lumps if treated incorrectly. You can read the article. Care before and after filler injection here.

Results of temple filler injections to correct large cheekbones

  • Filler injections in the temples will help make sunken, deep, and sunken temples look fuller and make the skin around the temples more taut.
  • Temple filler will make the sides of the forehead look smooth and even with the temple line, resulting in a softer face and making the forehead bone less visible.
  • Temple fillers will make large and prominent cheekbones appear smaller, resulting in a softer face.
  • Filler injections will make the drooping corners of the eyes and brows appear more open and lifted, resulting in brighter eyes.
  • Filling the temples with filler will help fill in the temples that have deep grooves or have sunken down, making the deep wrinkles in that area shallower.
  • Filler injections will make your face look more lifted and sweeter.
  • Filling the temples with filler will help enhance the facial feng shui.


According to Chinese physiognomy, the cheekbones are considered an important component of the face. According to Chinese beliefs, the cheekbones can indicate power, fortune, charisma, and stability in life. If someone has high, full, smooth, and proportionate cheekbones, they will become a person with power, fortune, charisma, and high leadership skills. They will be successful in life, wealthy, and have good relationships with those around them. But...If someone has sunken temples, hollow temples, and sunken temples that make the cheekbones look large, they will become a hot-tempered person, unable to control their emotions, and often have problems with people around them. By injecting filler into the temples, it will help fill in the problematic areas or areas that need to be fixed, making them firm and full again, resulting in the face looking younger, with proportionate cheekbones and a softer face, as well as helping to promote good feng shui.