Physiognomy is a Chinese science used to predict physical characteristics, which may indicate character, family, and finances.Feng Shui:the Feng Shui of their faceIt will be considered from various characteristics such as the face structure, forehead, ears, eyes, mouth, nose and eyebrows. Today, we will tell you how to look for good physiognomy and good fortune, and reveal 8 points of physiognomy on the face that can be fixed to be great today.
Good physiognomy, good fortune
- What does good physiognomy help with?
- Good physiognomy: How do you look at women and men?
- How is adjusting the shape of the face to enhance good feng shui good?
- Here are 8 points where we can easily adjust our feng shui:
- Eyebrow physiognomy (Mia Geng)
- Physiognomy of the eyes - the grooves under the eyes (Nam Nung Keng)
- Physiognomy of the eyes - corners of the eyes - temples (Hu Chi Keng)
- Nose physiognomy - groove under the nose (Jik Ae Keng)
- Physiognomy with large cheeks - cheek grooves - mouth corner grooves (Naow Pok Keng)
- Forehead physiognomy (Gua Lok Keng)
- Mouth physiognomy - Lip physiognomy (Chui Sai)
- Chin physiognomy (Tee Keo)
- Summary of good facial physiognomy characteristics
What does good physiognomy help with?
Good physiognomy Refers to a person who has a facial structure and facial components, whether it is the forehead, eyes, nose, or mouth, that are proportionate and beautiful. Having good feng shui will help enhance the image and create credibility for those who see it, or in terms of health, which can indicate symptoms of various diseases, such as having dark circles under the eyes, which may indicate that the person does not get enough rest or has allergies. It also includes the work aspect, which is currently using feng shui to apply in the selection of job applicants. Finally, having good feng shui will promote people to be confident, no matter what they do, they will be successful.
Good physiognomy: How do you look at women and men?
Good feng shui for women and men who are beautiful will have different appropriate proportions. Therefore, if there is a correction or adjustment of feng shui to make it better, men and women should have the following characteristics:
Women's physiognomy | Men's physiognomy |
A woman with good physiognomy must have a face with 3 equal proportions according to the Golden Ratio: a wide, prominent forehead, rounded and smooth, beautiful eyebrows, plump lips, and a rounded chin. According to physiognomy, this means that she will have good fortune, helping her life to be complete and comfortable. | Men with good facial physiognomy may be different from women. They should have a wide forehead, a full forehead, a sharp jaw, thick eyelids, a full nose, thick nostrils, full lips, and a wide, thick chin. According to facial physiognomy, it is believed that these men will have good fortune, leadership, power and charisma, and will be successful in their careers. |
How is adjusting the shape of the face to enhance good feng shui good?
Everyone has a different appearance. Some people may have a face that is longer than normal or a face that is too short, which can have negative effects onPersonality and cause loss of confidence by physiognomy Facial adjustment to enhance feng shui will help build confidence and improve personality. It also enhances charisma and adjusts external appearance to be more reliable, builds trust, and also helps enhance the person's luck.Y
Here are 8 points where we can easily adjust our feng shui:
Eyebrow physiognomy (Mia Geng)
Eyebrows are considered one of the most important points according to science.Eyebrow physiognomy indicates intelligence and enlightenment. According to good eyebrow physiognomy, the eyebrow hair must be fine and continuous. The tail of the eyebrow must be long and reach the eyes. The eyebrows must fit the face and have no blemishes or wounds. Then the person will be considered lucky, generous, intelligent, optimistic and long-lived. If there is a problem with deep grooves between the eyebrows, it can be fixed by injecting filler to fill them.
Physiognomy of the eyes - the grooves under the eyes (Nam Nung Keng)
According to Chinese physiognomy The position under the left and right eye sockets is considered a feng shui point that indicates comfort and good fortune. By good physiognomy of the eyes – good grooves under the eyes, the black of the eyes are clear and attractive, the black and white of the eyes are clearly contrasting, the grooves under the eyes must be full, smooth, and radiant, then it is considered a wealthy person, the family is prosperous and will encounter only good things. However, if there is a problem of deep, dark, hollowed-out eyes, deep grooves or too many bags under the eyes, it can be fixed by injecting filler under the eyes to help solve the problems of deep eye sockets, dark circles under the eyes, and bags under the eyes.
Physiognomy of the eyes - corners of the eyes - temples (Hu Chi Keng)
According to Chinese physiognomy Physiognomy of the eyes, corners of the eyes and temples indicate the life of a partner or life partner. By good physiognomy, the eyes - corners of the eyes - temples must be plump, full, in line with the hairline and forehead, with not too many wrinkles at the corners of the eyes and no blemishes. Then it is considered that married life will be complete. Women will get good husbands, while men will get wives who are good housewives. However, if there are problems with prominent cheekbones, bulging bones, deep, sunken temples, and wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, these can be corrected by injecting filler into the temples to fill them out.
Nose physiognomy - groove under the nose (Jik Ae Keng)
According to physiognomy, the nose – the groove under the nose indicates health, while the shape of the nose indicates work, finances, and love. According to the characteristics of a good nose – a groove under the nose, the nose must be beautiful, straight and not too sharp, shiny, without blemishes, and without wrinkles. This person will be considered to have a stable, strong mind, a smooth life and be free from illness. However, if there are problems with wrinkles, a protruding bone or a point that is too high, it can be fixed by injecting filler into the nose.
Physiognomy with large cheeks - cheek grooves - mouth corner grooves (Naow Pok Keng)
According to sciencePhysiognomy with large cheeks, cheek grooves, and mouth corner grooves indicate subordinates. By good physiognomy, having lots of cheeks, cheek grooves, and mouth corner grooves, the cheeks must be plump, not sunken, and must be in line with the jawline, not have cheek grooves or mouth corner grooves that are too deep, and not sagging. This means that you will have subordinates that you can trust and rely on, and will be happy and comfortable in old age. If there is a problem with sunken cheeks, sunken cheeks, sagging cheeks, and deep cheek grooves and mouth corner grooves, this can be fixed by injecting filler into the cheek groove.
Forehead physiognomy (Gua Lok Keng)
According to scienceForehead physiognomy indicates business and career. According to the characteristics of good forehead physiognomy, it must be moderately prominent, not dented, clear and smooth. This person is considered to have a broad vision and be prosperous. In terms of business, they will receive support. However, if there is a problem with a dimpled forehead, wrinkles, not smooth, or protruding bones, it can be corrected by injection.Forehead filler Or botox injections
Mouth physiognomy - Lip physiognomy (Chui Sai)
According to Chinese physiognomy Mouth physiognomy - Lip physiognomy is considered a central point in considering mental state and overall health. According to good physiognomy of the mouth - good physiognomy of the lips, the mouth must have edges, be notches, and the corners of the mouth must be slightly raised. Then it is considered that the person speaks pleasantly, understands others, and is happy in old age. If there is a problem with the lips, they are not plump according to physiognomy of the lips, it can be fixed by injecting filler into the lips to make them fuller or have a Cupid's bow shape.
Chin physiognomy (Tee Keo)
According to Chinese physiognomy Chin physiognomy indicates knowledge and ability. According to good physiognomy, a chin must be round and not have a sharp bone, indicating a kind and humble person. As for a convex chin, it must be convex with flesh, not with bone, indicating a person with good fortune and wealth. If there is a problem with a short chin or a dimpled chin, it can be fixed by injecting filler into the chin to adjust the shape of the chin to be longer and also fix the dimples in the chin area, helping the chin to be round and smooth and beautiful according to good physiognomy.
Summary of good facial physiognomy characteristics
Physiognomy is a Chinese science that is used to indicate character traits and can also indicate illnesses. Good physiognomy means that a person has a beautiful and proportionate facial structure and facial features. Having good feng shui will enhance your personality and also help build confidence. Therefore, adjusting your face shape by injecting filler to enhance feng shui is a good thing and is suitable for all genders. However, adjusting your face shape by injecting filler to have good feng shui should receive advice from a doctor who is an expert in filler injection and has knowledge of feng shui. Finally, whether you are a man or a woman, you can adjust your face shape, enhance feng shui, and enhance your fortune for the better.