Mudan Pavilion Wellness Center is a trusted name, frequently featured on popular programs like Today Show and Poo Ying Yok Kamlang Jaew.
Dr. Som, Dr. Chatsorn Likhitisara, and Dr. Grace, Dr. Kulchamasorn Likhitisara, have had the honor of being invited to various well-known programs to share their knowledge about genuine fillers, their benefits, and advantages. As physician speakers who teach filler injections, they not only educate fellow doctors but also share their experiences, knowledge, and beauty tips to help the general public take care of their health, both internally and externally. (Click on the images to watch the programs.)

Our Services
Meet Our Expert Clinic Doctors

Chatrsorn Likhitaitsara (Dr. Som)
Restylane Filler Injection Trainer and Specialist in Facial Contouring.

Kunchamasorn Likhitaitsara (Dr. Grace)
Specialist in Facial Contouring with Expertise in Feng Shui Aesthetics.
Poo Ying Yok Kamlang Jaew
Interview on Poo Ying Yok Kamlang Jaew: Facial Bone Atrophy Concerns
Customer Feedback: Trusting Our Clinic